| WAN Configuration
Channel Configuration
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The Current ATM VC Table is a display only table of the configured
parameters used to communincate with the remote ATM switch.
◆ Select — Selects the configured connection.
◆ Inf — Displays a virtual interface.
◆ Mode — Displays the channel mode employed by the link.
◆ VPI — Displays the virtual path identifyer (VPI) of the link.
◆ VCI — Displays the virtual vircuit identifyer (VCI) of the link.
◆ Encapt — Displays the encapsulation used.
◆ NAPT — Displays the network address port translation (NAPT).
◆ IP Addr — Displays the IP address of the link.
◆ Remote IP — Displays the remote IP address of the link.
◆ Subnet Mask — Displays the subnet mask.
◆ User Name — Displays the user name.
◆ DRoute — Dipslays if a default route (DRoute) has been enabled.
◆ Status — Displays if the link is enabled or disabled.
◆ Actions — Gives the options to edit the link information using the
pencil icon, or delete the link using the trashcan icon.
Clicking the pencil icon in the Current ATM VC Table opens a new window
that allows you to edit some of the parameters of the preconfigured link.
The example shown below displays a bridged interface.
Figure 25: Editing a bridged entry in the Current ATM VC Table