POTS splitter
See splitter.
(Point-to-Point Protocol)
A protocol for serial data transmission that is used to carry IP
(and other protocol) data between your ISP and your computer.
The WAN interface on the ADSL Barricade uses two forms of PPP
called PPPoA and PPPoE. See also PPPoA, PPPoE.
(Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM)
One of the two types of PPP interfaces you can define for
a Virtual Circuit (VC), the other type being PPPoE. You can
define only one PPPoA interface per VC.
(Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
One of the two types of PPP interfaces you can define for
a Virtual Circuit (VC),the other type being PPPoA. You can
define one or more PPPoE interfaces per VC.
A set of rules governing the transmission of data. In order for
a data transmission to work, both ends of the connection have
to follow the rules of the protocol.
In a physically separate location. For example, an employee away
on travel who logs in to the company's intranet is a remote user.
(Routing Information Protocol)
The original TCP/IP routing protocol. There are two versions
of RIP: version I and version II.