See network mask.
Abbreviation for Megabits per second, or one million bits per
second. Network data rates are often expressed in Mbps.
In splitterless deployments, a microfilter is a device that removes
the data frequencies in the DSL signal, so that telephone users
do not experience interference (noise) from the data signals.
Microfilter types include in-line (installs between phone and jack)
and wall-mount (telephone jack with built-in microfilter). See also
(Network Address Translation)
A service performed by many routers that translates your
network's publicly known IP address into a Private IP address
for each computer on your LAN. Only your router and your LAN
know these addresses; the outside world sees only the public
IP address when talking to a computer on your LAN.
NAT rule
A defined method for translating between public and private
IP addresses on your LAN.
A group of computers that are connected together, allowing them
to communicate with each other and share resources, such as
software, files, etc.A network can be small, such as a LAN, or
very large, such as the Internet.