Most utensils and dishware can be safely
washed in your dishwasher,,However,
some materials may requirespecial
Aluminum: Some darkening maytake
place. Colored aluminum may fade_Do
not place aluminum items directly in front
of detergent dispenserswhere contact
with undissolveddetergentcould cause
pitting,spotting or discoloration,
Cast Iron: Cast iron utensils should be
China: Antique, hand-paintedchina and
those with gold or platinum rings should
be handwashed.
Crystal: Loadcarefully in upper rack
only. To prevent chipping, items should
not touch_Handwashdelicate items.
Select NO HEAT DRYoption to air-dry
crystal items_
Flatware: Sterling, silverplate and
stainless steel are normallydishwasher
safe. Flatwarewith darkdecorative
shading and!or non-metallic handles
should be handwashed.
Pewter: Pewter or pewter-likematerials
should be handwashed
Plastic: Plasticitems should be placed in
upper rack only. Wash only those items
marked "Dishwasher Safe°"
Wood: Wood items shouldbe
Glass: Milk glass should be handwashedo
Non-Stick Coatings: After washing,wipe
the non-stick coating area with vegetable
oil to keep it from losing its non-stick
Non-Dishware Items: DO NOT wash
items such as electronic air cleaner filters,
furnace filters and paint brushes in your
dishwasher. Damageto dishwasherand
discolorationor staining of dishwasher
may result°