Management tools_ 4
You can send emails while working on SmarThru Office.
1.Select Fi
le > Send to > Send By Fax.
2.Send Fax wi
ndow opens.
3.Type in necessary
information and click Send Fax.
For more information about SmarThru Office, click Help >
SmarThru Office help. The SmarThru Office Help window
appears; you can view on screen help supplied on the SmarThru
Follow the steps below to uninstall SmarThru Office.
Before you begin the uninstall, ensure that
all applications are
closed on your computer.
a)From the Start me
nu, select Programs or All Programs.
b)Select SmarThru Office,
and then select Uninstall SmarThru
c)When your computer asks you to
confirm your selection, read
the statement and click OK.
d)Click Finish.
Macintosh and Linux do not support this program.
This program is for the network IP setting using the MAC address which is
the hardware serial number of the network printer card or interface.
It is especially for the network administrator to set several network IPs at the
same time.
You can only use the SetIP program when your machine is connected
to a network.
Installing the program
1. Insert the software CD provided with your machine. When the software
CD runs automatically, close the window.
2. From th
e Start menu select My Computer and open the X drive. ( X
represents your CD-ROM drive.)
3. Double click Application > SetIP.
4. Doub
le-click Setup.exe to install this program.
5. Click OK.
6. If
necessary, select a language from the drop-down list..
7. Fol
low the instructions in the window to complete the installation.
Printing out the machine’s MAC address
1. Press Machine Setup on the control panel.
2. Pr
ess Machine Status > the Machine Info tab > Print/Report.
3. Pr
ess System Report.
4. Scro
ll down the list on the right and select Network Configuration
5. Press Print
Setting network values
1. Print the machine’s Network Configuration Report to find your
machine’s MAC address.
2. From the Windows Start menu, select Programe or All Programs >
Samsung Network Printer Utilities > SetIP > SetIP.
3. C
lick to open the TCP/IP configuration window.
4. En
ter the network card’s MAC address, IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway, and then click Apply.
When you enter the MAC address, enter it without a colon(:).
5. Click OK. The
machine prints the network information. Confirm the
settings are correct.
6. Click Ex
Unified Driver Configurator is a tool primarily intended for configuring
machine devices. You need to install Unified Linux Driver to use Unified
Driver Configurator (See "Installing the Linux Unified Driver" on page 5).
After the driver is installed on your Linux system, the Unified Driver
Configurator icon will automatically be created on your desktop.
Opening the Unified Driver Configurator
1. Double-click the Unified Driver Configurator on the desktop.
You can also click the Startup Men
u icon and select Samsung Unified
Driver > Unified Driver Configurator.
2. Click each button on the left to switch to the corresponding configuration
To use the on screen help, click Help.
3. After
changing the configurations, click Exit to close the Unified Driver
1 Printers
2 Scanners
3 Ports