Connectors and Harness - The engine compartment of a vehicle is a particularly
hostile environment for electrical components and connectors. Always ensure
these items are dry and oil free before disconnecting and connecting test
equipment. Never force connectors apart either by using tools or by pulling on
the wiring harness. Always ensure locking tabs are disengaged before removal
and note orientation to enable correct reconnection. Ensure that any protective
covers and substances are replaced if disturbed.
Before removing a faulty component, refer to the Workshop Manual for removal
procedures. Ensure the starter switch is turned to the ‘OFF’ position, the battery
is disconnected (see Battery disconnecting) and any disconnected harnesses
are supported to avoid any undue strain at terminals. When replacing the
component keep oily hands away from electrical connection areas and push
connectors home until any locking tabs fully engage.
Battery disconnecting
Before disconnecting the battery, switch off all electrical equipment. If the radio is
to be serviced, ensure the security code has been deactivated.
Caution: To prevent damage to electrical components ALWAYS
disconnect the battery when working on the vehicle electrical
system. The earth lead must be disconnected first and
reconnected last. Always ensure that battery leads are routed correctly and
are not close to any potential chafing points.
Battery charging
Recharge the battery out of the vehicle and keep the top well ventilated. While
being charged or discharged, and for approximately fifteen minutes afterwards,
batteries emit hydrogen gas. This gas is inflammable.
Always ensure any battery charging area is well ventilated and that every
precautions is taken to avoid naked flames and sparks.