13- Put the stock manifold anges on the manifold. YOU MUST USE THE S&S® RUBBER GASKETS ON THEM. Be sure to orient the tapered end
towards the manifold and the at end to the heads.
14- Hold the manifold up in its basic mounting position and connect all of the wiring harnesses at this time. Install the manifold using the stock
mounting ange bolts (from the primary side of the motorcycle) coated with Loctite® 242 and the new S&S cam side screws (¼” socket head,
⁄-18 x ¾”). If a screw longer than ¾” is used, damage to the heads will result. Lightly snug all four manifold mounting bolts BUT DO NOT
TIGHTEN AT THIS TIME. Connect the throttle cables and cruise control bracket (if applicable) at this time.
NOTE: The Harley-Davidson® service manual for your model motorcycle will be helpful during this step.
15- Install the breather system now. On 4.00-inch bore or smaller engines the breather uses banjo ttings with hollow bolts and connects across the
heads to the intake with a T-hose. This hose will need to be trimmed and have spring clamps attached as shown in photo. Torque the hollow bolts
to 10-12 ft-lbs.
On 4⁄-inch bore or larger engines, install the sharp bent hose on the rear head and install the check valve with the white end towards the head.
Mount the other hose on the black end of the check valve and connect it to the throttle body using spring clamps to secure the connections.
Picture 13
Picture 14
Picture 15