This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP America, Inc. 2011 KIP America, Inc.
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Submitting Color Files for Printing
This button will send the selected print files and job
information to the host PC for printing.
In order to submit color files to the KC 80 each file has
to have color printing options associated with it prior
to submitting. If no color printing options are selected
the user will be prompted to do so.
The following window will appear
and allow the user to select the
color printing options and apply
then to the specific file or to set
to the remaining files in the job.
Once the desired filter has been set the job can be submitted. If
multiple printers have been set up the follow box will appear so that
the user can send the job to the correct printer.