KIP Cost Review Application
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission
from KIP. 2012 KIP. vii_iv
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Toner Coverage Details
The Toner Coverage Details Report provides further details from the Usage Summary Report. Based on the
individual percent of coverage the B&W Coverage Breakdown section indicates the number of monochrome
prints and the square unit for those prints. The Coverage column it broken down in 1 percent increments, but
will not list the increments of which no prints were made. The B&W% Ranges section indicates the number of
monochrome prints and square units used base on the specified Range set in the Usage Categories.
Based on the individual percent of coverage the Color Coverage Breakdown section indicates the number of
color prints and the square unit for those prints. The Coverage column it broken down in 1 percent increments,
but will not list the increments of which no prints were made. The Color% Ranges section indicates the number
of color prints and square units used base on the specified Range set in the Usage Categories.
Media Details
The Media Details Report indicates the media Type utilized and the Print Count and Total Units (Sq Ft or Sq
Meter) for that Media.