KIP Touchscreen Software
Note: *Feature Not Applicable to KIP Network Printers Only.
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP. 2012 KIP. vii_iv
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Selecting Restore brings up the “Please Pick a Copy Scheme” allowing the user to choose from multiple
saved schemes.
Advanced Options
The Advanced Options section contains the additional
parameters on a sub screen:
a. Mirror
b. Invert
c. Fold (if optional device connected)
d. Stamp (Water Mark)
e. Lead Edge Adjustment
f. Trail Edge Adjustment
g. Print Quality Draft (200 DPI)
h. Print Quality Normal (300 DPI)
i. Print Quality – Quality (600DPI)
Select this button to “mirror” a scan. This can be utilized on originals that may have
the actual image on the reverse side such as older “sepia” or “film” documents.