KIP Touchscreen Software
Note: *Feature Not Applicable to KIP Network Printers Only.
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP. 2012 KIP. vii_iv
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Set Copy Editor
Set Copy Editor allows the user to scan in a set of files in any order and rearrange them after they have
been scanned prior to printing them out.
Original set of scanned files out of order.
• Files can be manipulated for the proper print order with a
simple drag and drop on the touch screen.
• Drag and zoom to a specific area on the file.
Original set of scanned files rearranged for correct print order.
• Undo – Undo the order in which the files have been
• Redo – Put files back the way they were arranged.
• Accept – Accept the order the files have been
Preset Schemes
Preset Schemes allow the user to set up and save multiple schemes (unlimited number) to go along with
the different types of files being used.
Schemes can be named relevant names and then later restored again when needed. Preset being
used is displayed above preset buttons.