KIP Touchscreen Software
Note: *Feature Not Applicable to KIP Network Printers Only.
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP. 2012 KIP. vii_iv
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Image Expansion
Usually each print is compulsively provided with a trailing margin of 5-7mm long
regardless of the image size. But the image can be printed even in the trailing
margin area if you turn on the Full Image Mode.
The interval between each sheet of print becomes longer than usual if you turn
on the Full Image Mode, because it requires a cleaning operation between
each sheet.
Note: If available on your KIP Printer Model. If unsure please contact technician.
L/L Environment
When the printer is used in a low temperature and low humidity condition (we
call it “L/L Environment”), the printing media is likely to be creased or unfused in
some areas. “L/L Environment Mode” may be able to fix this problem.
If the L/L Environment Setting Mode is used the interval of prints becomes longer
than usual to recover the temperature.
The L/L Environment Mode works only in some specific cases, for example when the remaining volume
of roll is very small or when a tracing paper is used.
Note: If available on your KIP Printer Model. If unsure please contact technician.
H/H Environment
When the printer is used in a high temperature and high humidity condition (we
call it “H/H Environment”), the printing media from Roll 2 or Roll 4 is likely to be
creased. “H/H Environment Mode” may be able to fix this problem.
Note: If available on your KIP Printer Model. If unsure please contact technician.