KIP Touchscreen Software
Note: *Feature Not Applicable to KIP Network Printers Only.
This information is solely for use of KIP Personnel and KIP Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied,
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Power Save Settings
The KIP 3000 incorporates timers to save power and place the printer in “cold sleep mode” to suit
individual company production requirements. These timers can be used to automatically turn off the
printer when the “office is closed”, for example overnight.
Energy Star Settings – Energy Star compliant settings require that the printer goes to Warm Sleep after 15
minutes and into Cold Sleep after 90 minutes of inactivity. These are the factory setting and can be
achieved by selecting “Reset”.
There are two sleep mode settings to choose from, only one can be active at a time and these are
locked by default in the Services settings.
1. Warm/Cold Sleep Timers – This timer can be set to put the printer into a warm/cold sleep mode
after a predetermined period of inactivity.
2. Sleep Time – This time is used in conjunction with the computers clock and is used to put the
Printer to sleep at a pre-set time and wake the printer back up at a pre-set time.
Locked or Unlocked in “Service”
If the Timers are locked they must first be unlocked in Service Menu (by a Certified Service Technician)
Set the timers by pressing on the hour, minutes and AM/PM as needed.
If the printer is required during the “sleep” period, it will “awake”, produce the prints and then “fall
asleep “again, 15 minutes later.