Problem Possible cause Solution
Specic types only: The
travel lock is activated.
Press the on/off
button for 3 seconds
to deactivate the
travel lock.
The shaving unit is soiled or
damaged to such an extent
that the motor cannot run.
In this case, the shaving unit
symbol, the tap symbol and
the exclamation mark ash.
Clean the shaving
unit or replace it (see
chapters ‘Cleaning
and maintenance’
and ‘Replacement’).
The temperature of the
shaver is too high. In this
case, the shaver does not
work and the exclamation
mark on the display ashes.
Switch off the shaver
and let it cool down.
As soon as the
temperature of the
shaver has dropped
sufciently, you can
switch on the shaver
Specic types
only: The shaver
is not entirely
clean after I
clean it in the Jet
Clean System.
The cleaning uid in the
cleaning chamber is soiled.
Empty and rinse the
cleaning chamber
and rell it with new
cleaning uid.