added to the Current Virtual Server Table below. To
change or correct an entry before adding it, click
"Clear" and re-enter.
Remove Virtual Server Select the Virtual Server settings you want to remove
from the Current Virtual Server table and click "Delete
Selected." To remove all Virtual Server settings from
the table, click "Delete All." Click "Reset" to clear your
current selections.
Click “Apply” at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations. You
can now configure other sections or start using the router.
Example of a Virtual Server:
The diagram below demonstrates one of the ways you can use the Virtual Server
function. Use the virtual s when you want the Web server located in your private
LAN to be accessible to Internet users. The configuration below means that any
request coming from the Internet to access your Web server will be translated to
your LAN’s Web server ( Note: For the virtual server to work
properly, Internet/remote users must know your global IP address. (For Web
sites, you will need to have a fixed/static global/public IP address.)