2.7.3 Anti-DoS (Denial of Service)
The Broadband router's firewall can block common hacker attacks, including Denial of Service, Ping of Death,
Port Scan and Sync Flood. If Internet attacks occur the router can log the events.
Parameter Description
DoS Prevention Enable Enables selected Anti-DoS features.
Ignore LAN-Side Check Skip DoS checks for all LANWAN packets.
Whole system flood System-wide DoS threshold for SYN/FIN/UDP/ICMP flooding.
Per-source IP flood
SYN/FIN/UDP/ICMP flooding threshold per host. Offending host would be
blocked for 120 seconds (default) if Source IP Blocking is enabled.
Whole system FlowCnt
System-wide Flow Count Control for TCP/UDP or both protocols.
Per-source IP FlowCnt
SYN/FIN/UDP/ICMP Flow Count Control per host. Offending host would be
blocked for 120 seconds (default) if Source IP Blocking is enabled.
TcpUdpPortScan Port scan detection. Sensitivity could be Low or High.
All DoS items System-wide Dos detection.
Click <Apply> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations. You can now configure other
advance sections or start using the router (with the advance settings in place)