2.7.1 Access Control List
If you want to restrict users from accessing certain Internet applications/services (e.g. Internet websites,
email, FTP etc.), then this is the place to set that configuration. Access Control allows users to define the
traffic type permitted in your LAN. You can control which PC client can have access to these services.
Parameter Description
Policy User can choose to log or not to log packets which match any configured ACL.
Ingress means packets from LAN to Gateway and Egress means packets from
Gateway to WAN. Pay special attention to the “Egress, source IP/port” direction
group. The source IP address of an LAN-to-WAN packet will be already
changed to gateway’s public IP address. That means if you created a system-
wise egress rule, please specifying the Gateway WAN IP address as the
source IP.
Specify the traffic type here. You can pick TCP for TCP traffic, UDP for UDP
traffic, or IP for all kind of IP traffic.
Port Specify the TCP/UDP port number for filtered traffic.
You can select a range of day and time that the specified PCs will not able to
access the Internet on these time period.
Enable You can Enable/Disable some policies by check their enable checkbox.
You can now configure other advance sections or start using the router (with the advance settings in place)