theRe’S No SUCh thiNg
AS oveRpRoteCtive.
fRoNt AUtomAtiC BRAKiNg. Short-
range radar and ultrasonic sensors in the
bumpers of Suburban help prevent or
mitigate collisions at low speeds. The
available Front Automatic Braking system
alerts the driver if the lead vehicle slows
foRwARd ColliSioN AleRt. This
available feature warns the driver of
possible front-end collision threats.
Drivers can use the steering wheel
controls to adjust the closing speed range
of the system through a three-way (far,
medium or near) gap setting.
lANe ChANge AleRt. Working with
available Side Blind Zone Alert, available
Lane Change Alert employs radar sensors
in the rear quarter panels to help detect
and warn the driver of fast-approaching
vehicles in the adjacent lane from up to
230 feet away, not just in the side mirror
blind zones.
ReAR CRoSS tRAffiC AleRt. Using the
same radar sensors as the available Side
Blind Zone Alert feature, available Rear
Cross Traffic Alert helps warn drivers of
approaching traffic when backing up. If an
approaching vehicle is detected, the driver
is warned with visual and audible alerts.
SAfety StARtS with yoU. Safety
features are no substitute for the driver’s
responsibility to operate the vehicle in a
safe manner. The driver should remain
attentive to traffic, surroundings and road
conditions at all times. Read the vehicle
Owner’s Manual for more important
safety information.
Added SeCURity. Protect your investment with the GM class-
exclusive, available Theft Protection Package that includes glass
breakage sensors, interior motion detectors and a revolutionary
inclination sensor that measures any tilt of the vehicle.
UNdeR loCK ANd Key. Side-cut keys and special interior
door shields deter lock picking and prevent access with
“slim jims.” Plus, advanced door lock cylinders make it
extremely difficult to gain entry.
SAfe ANd SeCURe.