the moSt AdvANCed SUBURBAN eveR.
Suburban offers a full suite of available
driver assist technologies that use
strategically located cameras and radar
sensors around the vehicle to warn drivers
of potential risks on the road.
fRoNt ANd CeNteR. Suburban helps
protect you with a GM-exclusive seat-
mounted Front Center Air Bag
with front bucket seats). In addition, the
six standard air bags provide impressive
1 Always use safety belts and the correct restraint for your
child’s age and size. Even in vehicles equipped with the
Passenger Sensing System, children are safer when properly
secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant, child or
booster seat. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the
front seat of any vehicle equipped with a passenger air bag.
See the Owner’s Manual and the child safety seat instructions
for more safety information. 2 Visit onstar.com for vehicle
availability, details and system limitations. OnStar acts as a
link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles
may transmit all crash data.
protection in moderate to severe frontal,
side and rollover crashes.
oNStAR AUtomAtiC CRASh ReSpoNSe.
In a crash, built-in sensors can automatically
alert a specially trained OnStar Advisor, who
is immediately connected into your vehicle
to help you. OnStar Automatic Crash
Response, standard for six months, uses
GPS technology to locate you and an injury
severity prediction to dispatch the right help
right away, even if you can’t ask for it.