5. Install the PCM cover, P/N 22623903, over the PCM with the "F" facing outward.
6. Install the PCM into the vehicle bracket.
7. Install the PCM shield assembly, P/N 22623904, to the vehicle. Drape the shield over the PCM bracket. Removing the evap hose clip fastener
and reinstall through the shield. Push the square cut over the PCM attachment nut. Remove the horn wiring attachment clip and reinstall
through the shield.
8. Install the push-in retainer, P/N 10121502. through the lower front hole of the PCM shield and then through the side hold of the PCM cover.
9. Install the Campaign Identification Label.
Campaign Identification Label
For US
Place the Campaign Identification Label on each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin.
Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This
information may be inserted with a typewriter or a ball point pen.
Put the Campaign Label on a clean and dry surface of the radiator core support in an area that will be visible to people servicing the vehicle. When
installing the Campaign Identification Labels for US dealers can be obtained from Dealer Support Materials by calling 1-888-549-6152
(Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST). Ask for Item Number S-1015 when ordering.
Campaign Identification Label
Place the Campaign Identification Label on each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin.
Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This
information may be inserted with a typewriter or a ball point pen.
Put the Campaign Label on a clean and dry surface of the radiator core support in an area that will be visible to people servicing the vehicle.
Additional Campaign Identification Labels for Canadian dealers can be obtained from DGN by calling 1-800-668-5539 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to
5:00 pm EST). Ask for Item Number GMP 91 when ordering.
Claim Information
1995 Pontiac Sunfire L4-2.2L VIN 4 Page 3