Q. How should I winterize or prepare my car for long term storage?
A. For a vehicle which will not be driven or even started for a long period of time, several key steps should be taken. First off, change the motor oil,
top off the gasoline, and add a product called Stabil (prevents the chemical break down of gasoline) to the fuel tank. Specially designed mats and
over inflation of the tires to about 50 psi will prevent tire flatspotting or you can roll your vehicle a foot or so every couple of days. Another option
some have employed is to use jack stands to raise the entire vehicle, although this does not allow suspension components to rest in their intended
position. Disconnect the battery (make sure you have your radio code first). A more efficient alternative to disconnecting the battery is to use the
BMW Advanced Battery Charging System (shown below) or the original Battery Tender
http://www.batterytender.com/. For lengthy storage periods
(greater than one month of non use), remove the spark plugs and coat the cylinder walls to prevent flash rust. A recommended option is to use
specially made desiccant (absorbs moisture) canisters which take the place of the spark plugs. Do not use the emergency brake, instead use
wheel chocks. Finally, cover the vehicle to prevent dust build up in areas difficult to reach.
BMW Advanced Battery Charging System
(image courtesy of Circle BMW)
Q. How do I remove the air bag stickers from the visor?
A. A product called Goof-Off works well at removing the sticker and any residue. After the sticker has been removed, be sure to treat the vinyl with a
non-silicone vinyl protectant.
Q. Where is the best place to mount a radar / laser detector?
A. You want to mount the detector as high as possible on the windshield for a maximum line-of-sight. However, do not place the unit in the tint band
as this will impede laser detection performance. A suggested location is to the left of the rear view mirror just below the tint band. An alternate
location is to centered on the windshield just below the rear view mirror.
Q. How can I contact someone at BMW other than the dealer?
A. Visit the US website http://www.bmwusa.com/ or call BMW Customer Relations at (800) 831-1117 (Mon. - Fri., 9 AM - 7 PM EST).
Q. Where can I find the official BMW M Power book?
A. This fantastic book can be found at BMW's website http://www.bmw.com/bmwe/products/m_buch/index.shtml.
Q. Where can I find websites with useful M3 information?
A. Forums for M3 enthusiasts: http://www.bimmer.org/m3/messages/, http://www.bimmerforums.com/, http://www.dtmpower.net/forum/index.php
BMW Big Links (Ben Liaw): http://www.bmwlinks.com/
BMW Car Club of America: http://www.bmwcca.org/
BMW M Power: http://www.bmw-m.net/
BMW of North America: http://www.bmwusa.com/
Ron Stygar's Page: http://www.unofficialbmw.com/frame_ron.html
Unofficial BMW Technical Assistance:
Q. Where can I find BMW icons for my computer?
A. A beautiful set of BMW mouse pointer icons (for Windows) can be found at http://www.kwyjibo.com/bmw/.
Q. What are the commonly suggested brands for...?
air intakes Active Autowerke, Dinan, ECIS, Jim Conforti
air filters ITG, K&N
clutch stops Ron Stygar, UUC Motorwerks
exhaust systems Active Autowerke, B&B, Dinan, Strömung, SuperSprint
leather treatments Lexol
performance chips Dinan, Jim Conforti
radar detectors Bell, Escort, Valentine 1
speakers a/d/s/, JL Audio, Stealthbox
suspensions Bilstein, H&R, Koni
tires Bridgestone, Dunlop, Kumho, Michelin, Pirelli, Yokohama
waxes Blitz, Meguiar's, Zaino Brothers, Zymöl