Audi connect
1 Always pay careful attention to the road, and do not drive while distracted. The features and technologies discussed above are optional, may require an additional subscription with separate terms and
conditions, and should be used only when it is safe and appropriate. The Wi-Fi® hotspot feature is intended for passenger use only. Features and technologies listed are not available on all models. The
voice control feature is not available on Cabriolet or Roadster models. 2 MMI® navigation plus depends on signals from the worldwide Global Positioning Satellite network. The vehicle’s electrical
system and existing wireless and satellite technologies must be available and operating properly for the system to function. The system is designed to provide you with suggested routes in locating ad-
dresses, destinations and other points of interest. Changes in street names, construction zones, trac flow, points of interest and other road system changes are beyond the control of Audi of America,
Inc. Complete detailed mapping of lanes, roads, streets, toll roads, highways, etc., is not possible, therefore you may encounter discrepancies between the mapping and your actual location. Please
rely on your individual judgment in determining whether or not to follow a suggested MMI® navigation plus route. For mapping updates please see your Audi dealer or call 1-800-FOR-AUDI for details.
Features and technologies listed are not available on all models.
Share what’s on your mind. Looking
for a great Chinese food place? We’ll
help you get there. Thinking about
a rest stop? We’ll locate the nearest
gas station for you, and even give
you the price of their fuel. In fact,
in your Audi, just say the word, and
we’ll help you find almost anything,
even your home phone number. With
available Audi connect with Google
Voice™ command capabilities, we’ve developed a way to let you articulate
your desires, even if that’s just finding the closest burger stand or the best
MMI® navigation plus with Audi connect helps integrate networking
capabilities on the go, along with Google Earth™ with 3D satellite imagery, to
help you avoid trac (and possibly saying things you might regret).
Audi con-
nect also provides fast data transfer speeds and Wi-Fi® connectivity for up to
eight passenger devices to help you stay informed. It oers a full suite of ser-
vices and interactivity, and, yes, even the closest Szechuan restaurant, which
you can find by using its Google™ Local Search capabilities. Best of all, you
don’t even have to say “Thank you,” even if we appreciate it when you do.
Just talk to us, baby.