1 Features and technologies listed are not available on all models. 2 See www.fueleconomy.gov for EPA estimates and emissions data. Your mileage and emissions will vary
and depend on several factors, including your driving habits and vehicle condition.
How nature solved the apparent conundrum of an elephant’s skull didn’t escape the notice
of Heinrich Timm, the longtime lead engineer for Audi. The weight of the tusks and the
general size of an elephant’s head would seem to make it impossible for the animal to
actually be able to carry it. But the design genius behind the elephant’s skull is to make
it lightweight yet sturdy. Its predominantly hollow design is buered by thin, connective
bone walls, which act as strong, weight-bearing cells. Audi designers used that idea when
building our aluminum and steel structures. Reducing weight, yet enabling strength.
It seems strange to say that, while
we build strong, complex and
high-performing machines, we’re
naturalists at heart. Then again, it
might not be that unusual, seeing
how nature itself builds strong,
complex and high-
machines as well. When we devel-
oped the thinking behind our ultra®
lightweight technology initiative,
we knew that nature would serve as an inspi ration to greater structural eciency. Take
the structure of the elephant skull pictured here. It has to be lightweight, yet capable
of carrying a heavy load. It’s porous, but its structure is such that it enhances its stabil-
ity and strength. We do the same, for example, with aluminum. Positioned one way,
aluminum materials can be flexible. Positioned another, they are strong and rigid, and
help give
better support. We also looked to bamboo, which is
strong at the conjoined
areas (nodes), and flexible along its stem. Our designs allow for both rigidity and flex-
ibility where each is most needed, and for eciency overall. As we continue to develop
strategies to improve the performance aspects and eciency of our vehicles, we don’t
shy away from the world around us.
We boldly engage it even closer still.
How studying elephant skulls
makes for superior handling.
Our large aluminum castings are a telling example of
ultra lightweight technology. Primarily used in high-
stress areas, these castings achieve exceptional rigidity
while also allowing for freedom of design, all while
remaining extremely lightweight.