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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
❑ 7 Nm
12 - Intake manifold support
13 - Bolt for intake manifold support
❑ 23 Nm
14 - Throttle valve module -J338- , throttle valve drive for electric throttle operation -G186-
❑ Angle sender 1 for throttle valve drive (electric throttle operation) -G187- and angle sender 2 for throttle
valve drive (electric throttle operation) -G188-
❑ After the throttle valve module -J338- has been renewed, it must be re-adapted to the Motronic control
unit -J220- (Basic setting, Display group 60), see → Vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system
VAS 5051; “Guided Function”
15 - Bolt for throttle valve module -J338-
❑ 4 x
❑ 7 Nm
16 - Securing nut for intake manifold support
❑ 10 Nm
17 - Seal
❑ Renew
18 - Fuel rail
❑ Removing and installing → Chapter (page 20)
19 - Fuel pressure sender -G247-
❑ 20 Nm
Audi A3 2004 ➤
Direct petrol injection and ignition system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve turbo) - Edition 11.2005
14 Rep. Gr.24 - Mixture preparation - injection