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❑ → Fig. (page 10)
J - Relay and fuse carrier in electronics box
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
K - Radiator fan control unit -J293-
❑ Fitted on left-side radiator fan (in direction of travel)
L - Injectors
❑ In fuel rail
❑ Removing and installing → Chapter (page 22)
❑ Injector, cylinder 1 -N30-
❑ Injector, cylinder 2 -N31-
❑ Injector, cylinder 3 -N32-
❑ Injector, cylinder 4 -N33-
The fuel injectors are high-pressure injectors. They inject fuel at high pressure (maximum approx. 120 bar)
directly into the cylinder.
M - 3-pin connector for knock sensor 1 -G61-
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
N - 3-pin connector for knock sensor 2 -G66-
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
O - Knock sensor 1 -G61-
❑ For cylinders 1 and 2
❑ Tightening torque: 20 Nm
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
P - Knock sensor 2 -G66-
❑ For cylinders 3 and 4
❑ Tightening torque: 20 Nm
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
Q - Oil pressure sender -G10-
❑ → Fig. (page 11)
Coolant temperature sender -G62- -1-
Audi A3 2004 ➤
Direct petrol injection and ignition system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve turbo) - Edition 11.2005
1. Servicing injection system 7