Prestige 661H/HW Series User’s Guide
515 Appendix M Internal SPTGEN
The following are Internal SPTGEN screens associated with the SMT screens of your Prestige.
PVA Parameter Values Allowed
INPUT An example of what you may enter
* Applies to the Prestige.
Table 188 Abbreviations Used in the Example Internal SPTGEN Screens Table (continued)
Table 189 Menu 1 General Setup (SMT Menu 1)
/ Menu 1 General Setup (SMT Menu 1)
10000000 = Configured <0(No) | 1(Yes)> = 0
10000001 = System Name <Str> = Prestige
10000002 = Location <Str> =
10000003 = Contact Person's Name <Str> =
10000004 = Route IP <0(No) | 1(Yes)> = 1
10000006 = Bridge <0(No) | 1(Yes)> = 0
Table 190 Menu 3 (SMT Menu 3 )
/ Menu 3.1 General Ethernet Setup (SMT menu 3.1)
30100001 = Input Protocol filters Set 1 = 2
30100002 = Input Protocol filters Set 2 = 256
30100003 = Input Protocol filters Set 3 = 256
30100004 = Input Protocol filters Set 4 = 256
30100005 = Input device filters Set 1 = 256
30100006 = Input device filters Set 2 = 256
30100007 = Input device filters Set 3 = 256
30100008 = Input device filters Set 4 = 256
30100009 = Output protocol filters Set 1 = 256
30100010 = Output protocol filters Set 2 = 256
30100011 = Output protocol filters Set 3 = 256
30100012 = Output protocol filters Set 4 = 256
30100013 = Output device filters Set 1 = 256
30100014 = Output device filters Set 2 = 256
30100015 = Output device filters Set 3 = 256
30100016 = Output device filters Set 4 = 256
/ Menu 3.2 TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup (SMT Menu 3.2)