Set Parental Controls
Verizon 4G LTE Broadband Router
Some examples of blocked keywords are shown below.
Keyword Result
XXX Block the URL http://www.badstuf.com/xxx.html.
.com Only websites with other domain suffixes (such as .edu or .gov) can be viewed.
. (a period) Block all Internet browsing access.
Up to 32 entries are supported in the keyword list.
5. Click Add.
6. Click Apply.
7. (Opt
ional) Delete unwanted keywords or domains.
a. Select the
keyword from the list.
b. Click Delete.
c. Click Apply.
8. (Opt
ional) Specify a trusted user.
Specify one trusted user, which is a computer that is exempt from
blocking and signing in.
Because an IP address identifies the trusted user, you should configure that computer
with a fixed IP address.
a. Select Allow trusted IP a
ddress to visit blocked sites.
b. Enter tha
t computer’s IP address in the provided field.
c. Click Apply.
Block Services
You can restrict Internet availability for specific users based on their IP addresses.
To block services:
1. Sign in to the web
user interface.