Connecting Your TV (continued)
Connecting a cable converter box and a VCR
This connection iillows you to wutdi tind record biisic nnd premium cubic chunneis. us w ell us watch video tapes. Tunc the TV
and VCR chiinnels to d or 4 (whichecer channel is vacant in yotir arett), then use the converter bo.x to change channels.
From Cable
Stereo VCR
1 J
Cable converter box
vmi hare a iiiwui I 'CR. voiuiecl L/Mono to I'f V’ АшИа
OL'Tiisiiiii /inc auilio aihlc.
l/'voii have a S-l 'IIS I 'CR. use llie S-vnleo l omieí íian: ami
reiiiiive the riilcn ealAi: ai>! emiin'el ihe \ iileo eiihle taul
flic S-\-iiieii ruble Id ¡ IDIIO / shnalhawiuislv.
• li'hen xiu i/.\e a eonrerlcr box u rfh ¡'oar there imtr l>e
features that you viamol program using the remote eoturoi.
such as blocking channels, and programming yoia' faronle
Connecting a satellite receiver and a VCR
This connection allows yoti to watch satellite, video and TV programs-
You can record from the satellite receiver atid TV. as well as record one T\' channel while watehinti another channel.
• You cun use a video cable in.slead of the S-video
cable, but the picture (/iialily w ill decrease.
Do not connect the video cable and the S-video
cable to VIDEO / simultaneously.
• To watch from the Satellite Receiver, the TV
must select VIDEO I.
• To n atch from the VCR. the TV must sedect