Connecting Your TV
Antenna Coaxial Cable
11 you haven't connoeted cicclroiiic equipment before, or you hu\ e been fru.stratcd in the past, you may wish to read this
section. {Cables are not supplied.)
• A coaxial cable is the standard cable that comes in from your
antenna or cable converter box, Coa.xial cables use “F"
• Audio and video cables are usually color coded according to
use: yellow for video and red and wdiitc for atidio. Tlie red
audio cable is for the stereo right channel, and the white audio
cable is for the stereo (or mono) left channel, if you look at
tlic rear panel ot the 1 V, you vvill see that the terminals are
color coded in the same manner as the cables.
• S-vidco cables provide better picture performance. S-vidco
cables can only be used with S-video compatible components.
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S-Video Cable
Connecting a VCR
This connection allows you to waitcli local channels and \'idco
programs, play or record on the VCR while watching TV, and to
record from one channel wliilc watching another channel.
Do iiol /'/li.c A(' IT ii: until you haw tiiiishecl
vonui'cliiii: all ojyour equipment.
Ifu.tiuit a moiut VCR. conitec! L/Mono to i'CR
Audio our usinty only one audio eahle.
If you hare a .d'HS VCR, u.w the S-video
conueelions and remove the video cable.
Do not eoiwei l the video cable and the S
video cable to VIDEO I simultaneousiv.
The VIDEO 2 jacks can also he used for
conuecting a second piece of video equipment,
such as a DVD, laser disc player and
camcorder etc n ith audio/video outputs.
See page 7 for one example.
Connecting a cable converter box
This connection allows you to watch cable ttnd premium channels.
1 Line the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever channel is vacant in your
area), then use the converter box to channe channels.
From cable
iUicn u)u u.si-a i ouverter ho.v with \ <>ur TV.
there I’cJcalurcs that vou camino/
program using the Remote Control, such as
block chaunel, andprogrammiug vour
Javorite channels.