Cleaning and Care
WARNING; TV sets use High Voltage. Do not try to remove the cabinet back. Refer servicing to qualified service
To clean the TV screen:
1. First remove the plug from the power outlet to avoid
possible shock hazard.
2. Use a clean cellulose sponge or chamois ciolh
dampened with a solution of mi Id detergent and
warm water to clean TV screen and trim. Do not use
too much water on the TV screen, Water spills into
the cabinet and may cause damage to the TV.
Avoid e.xcess watci',
.■i. Remove any extra moisture with tlie same cloth or a
drv one.
■ To tnaintain tlic linish and appearance of the cabinet,
polish it from time to time with a quality furniture
Cauijon;\c\ fr use sfniiiu suh i'iils such us ihiiuici'. I)cnscuc ur
other chemicals on or near t ahiuct. as liter miuht iltiimr^c
the itiush of the cuhinel.