Deploying KIRK Wireless Server 6000
Sync Chain With One Sync Master (Primary Sync Ways)
Figure 3-1 Synchronization Chain
Figure 3-2 Synchronization Chain Layout without Alternative Sync Ways
• The synchronization chain must always overlap with the base station to
sync on.
• No.0 is the Sync Master (can be numbered 0-255).
• Other radio units are connected to the Sync Master through the
synchronization chain.
• If one of the radio units in the synchronization chain is not working, then
the synchronization chain is broken and the system will be unstable.
• No. 0 is the Sync Master (can be numbered 0-255).
Note: It is recommended to place the Sync Master in the middle of the
• Green line: Shows the primary sync ways.
• Brown line: Only handover overlap is needed.
Note: It is recommended to make a site planner. Every base station must
be numbered with Radio ID, Primary sync Radio ID, and Alternative
sync Radio ID.