KIRK Wireless Server 6000 Installation and Configuration Guide
Examples of Synchronization Chains
Certain rules must be taken into consideration when establishing
synchronazation chains:
• The distance over which synchronization can take place is limited to a
distance similar to a loss of max. 25 dB. If the loss of signal is higher than
25 dB, there is no guarantee that synchronization is stable.
As the KWS6000 uses the DECT interface to synchronize on, one base station
is configured as the Sync Master.
This section provides information about:
• “Sync Chain With One Sync Master (Primary Sync Ways)” on page 3-5
• “Sync Chain With Alternative Sync Ways” on page 3-6
• “Sync Chain With and Without Alternative Sync Ways” on page 3-9
It is recommended that a base station synchronizes with at least two other
radio units, that an alternative sync way is defined to ensure system
redundancy. If the primary sync way is not working, then the alternative
sync way takes over and the synchronization chain is not broken.
Synchronization chains for the KWS6000 Solution can be made with base
stations and repeaters.
As you can only configure a repeater to synchronize on one radio ID, it is
not possible to define alternative sync ways for repeaters.