Contents LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
14.5.5 Prepare VPN network relationships 311
14.5.6 Configuration with LANconfig 314
14.5.7 Configuration with WEBconfig 318
14.5.8 Diagnosis of VPN connections 322
14.6 Specific examples of connections 322
14.6.1 Static/static 323
14.6.2 Dynamic/static 323
14.6.3 Static/dynamic (with LANCOM Dynamic VPN) 324
14.6.4 Dynamic/dynamic (with LANCOM Dynamic VPN) 325
14.7 How does VPN work? 326
14.7.1 IPSec—The basis for LANCOM VPN 327
14.7.2 Alternatives to IPSec 328
14.8 The standards behind IPSec 329
14.8.1 IPSec modules and their tasks 329
14.8.2 Security Associations – numbered tunnels 329
14.8.3 Encryption of the packets – the ESP protocol 330
14.8.4 Authentication – the AH protocol 332
14.8.5 Key management – IKE 335
15 Appendix: Overview of functions for LANCOM models and LCOS
versions 337
16 Index 338