Contents LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
10.3.4 Configuration with WEBconfig or Telnet 201
11 Wireless LAN – WLAN 203
11.1 What is a Wireless LAN? 203
11.1.1 Standardized radio transmission by IEEE 203
11.1.2 Operation modes of Wireless LANs and base stations
11.2 Developments in WLAN security 213
11.2.1 Some basic concepts 214
11.2.2 WEP 215
11.2.3 WEPplus 219
11.2.4 EAP and 802.1x 220
11.2.5 TKIP and WPA 223
11.2.6 AES and 802.11i 230
11.2.7 Summary 231
11.3 Protecting the wireless network 232
11.4 Configuration of WLAN parameters 233
11.4.1 WLAN security 234
11.4.2 General WLAN settings 243
11.4.3 The physical WLAN interfaces 244
11.4.4 The logical WLAN interfaces 250
11.4.5 Additional WLAN functions 254
11.5 Establishing outdoor wireless networks 256
11.5.1 Geometrical layout of the transmission path 256
11.5.2 Antenna power 258
11.5.3 Emitted power and maximum distance 261
11.5.4 Transmission power reduction 264
12 Office communications with LANCAPI 265
12.1 What are the advantages of LANCAPI? 265
12.2 The client and server principle 265
12.2.1 Configuring the LANCAPI server 265
12.2.2 Installing the LANCAPI client 268
12.2.3 Configuration of the LANCAPI clients 269
12.3 How to use the LANCAPI 270
12.4 The LANCOM CAPI Faxmodem 270