Features and tips
• Make color or black and white copies. Use the Copy menu on the printer display to choose
size, and the number of copies.
• Load single-sheet or thin originals, print side down, on the right front corner of the glass.
• For thick originals, like a page in a book, remove the lid. Place the original, print side down,
into the right front corner of the glass. If possible, lay the lid on top of the original to provide
a white background.
• Scan photographs or documents. Use the Scan menu on the printer display to select Scan to
PC, Scan to Card, or Reprint. Then, load the original, print side down, on the right front corner
of the glass. Choose a scan shortcut: Photo to File, Photo to Email, or PDF Document.
• If you are scanning to a connected computer, the scanning software will open for you to make
• For best scanning, keep the glass and the back of the lid clean. The scanner interprets any
spot or mark detected as part of the scan image.
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• Print photos directly from a memory card in various sizes and papers. Use the Photo
• Print documents and photos from software applications on a connected computer.
• When installing new cartridges, see the graphic on the cartridge wrap for instructions. Make
sure to remove the plastic wrap and the orange tab before twisting off the orange plastic cap.
• ThersttimeyousetupandusetheHPPhotosmart,makesuretoinstalltheinkcartridgesthat
of your printer.
• Makesureyouhavesufcientink.Tochecktheestimatedinklevels,selectSettings on the
printer display, select Tools, then select Display Estimated Levels.
• Photo Black cartridges are compatible with this printer.
Ink usage
Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing process in several ways, including:
• Initialization, which prepares the printer and cartridges for printing.
• Printheadservicing,whichkeepsprintnozzlesclearandinkowingsmoothly.
Also, some residual ink is left in the cartridge after it is used. For more information, go to:
Find more information
installed with the HP Photosmart software.
• Onscreen Help includes instructions on product features and troubleshooting. It also provides
links to more information online on the web.
• TheReadmelecontainsHPsupportcontactinformation,operatingsystemrequirements,and
the most recent updates to your product information.
To access the onscreen Help from your computer:
• Windows XP, Vista, Win 7: Click Start > All Programs > HP > Photosmart C310 series > Help.
• Mac OS X v10.5 and v10.6: In Finder, click Help > Mac Help. In the Help Viewer, choose HP
Product Help from the Mac Help pop-up menu.