M08-0436-000 2
8. Go to you DVR Advance > Network > and click the DDNS button. From the DDNS Type
choose DynDNS. Click on enable and enter the host name, the user name and password you
created. Click ok and exit. It should prompt you to reboot, if not go to auto maintain and
reboot manually.
9. Once reboot is complete, go to Advance and Mobile Monitor and make sure it is enabled and
that the Port is 100.
10. Router Setup - refer to your router manual or if given to you by your Internet Service Provider
(ISP), you will need to Port Forward 80, 100, 9000 to the IP Address of the DVR. You can
also go to http://www.pcwintech.com/port-forwarding-guides for screenshot guides on how to
Port Forward on all router make and models.
11. Refer to your manual to add the DYNDNS information on the router.
12. Next, go to your computer and input the IP Address DYNDNS gave you, or get your IP
address from www.whatismyip.com. You will need to do this on a computer that is on the
same network the DVR is hooked up to (i.e. if the DVR is at work or home use the above
website to get the IP address for that location) this will be the address you will use to view
13. install the software prompted, and enable the active x if asks you to.
14. To view locally on the home network the DVR is connected to, you will input the IP address of
the DVR.