How to Reset the EnGenius ETR9330 for QRS’ “Default” Stand Alone Mode:
[Windows 7 & Google Chrome Example]
Press and hold the WPS button for about 10 seconds. Release after the power button ashes a few times.
Connect to the EnGenius xxxx Wi-Fi device.
Open Google Chrome, Android browser, or Safari, and navigate to
Enter “admin” as the User Name and Password.
Press the “Log In” button.
Select Wireless
Enter “QRSPNO” for SSID1.
Press the “Apply” button.
Wait for the EnGenius to reload.
Connect to QRSPNO.
Select System / LAN.
Select “User-Dened” option from the Secondary DNS drop down box.
[Can’t get to this setting using an iPad]
Enter “” as the Secondary DNS address.
Press the “Apply” button and wait for EnGenius to reload.
Close browser.
On the QRS PNOmation II remote control:
Press the following buttons in sequence…
The third light should be green.
Press SHIT INFO to conrm the address.
Open Google Chrome, Android browser, or Safari, and navigate to
Enter “admin” as the User Name and Password.
Press the “Log In” button.
Verify that you are still connected to QRSPNO
Open your browser to to connect to PMII.