F1.1 Ethernet WAN Interface
Some models of the VG-8050 support a single Ethernet WAN interface over the ETH
WAN port. Follow these procedures to configure an Ethernet WAN interface.
NOTE: To add WAN connections to one interface type, you must delete existing
connections from the other interface type using the remove button.
STEP 1: Go to Advanced Setup Layer2 Interface ETH Interface.
This table is provided here for ease of reference.
ETH WAN Interface
Default Mode – Single service over one connection
Vlan Mux Mode – Multiple Vlan service over one connection
Select the checkbox and click Remove to remove the connection.
STEP 2: Click Add to proceed to the next screen.
STEP 3: Select a Connection Mode from the options shown above.
STEP 4: Click Apply/Save to confirm your choice.
The figure below shows an Ethernet WAN interface configured in Default Mode.