Rev 1.0 Apr.10 133
clearing 107
enabling 107
exporting 107
types of events included 106
System ID (SID) 92
system requirements 28
TCP/IP settings 96
technical support, contacting 109
telnet support 111
temperature specifications 123
temperature, critical (audio alert) 73
terminal sessions 111
tethered connection
making 43
requirements 43
See also USB
text messaging (SMS) 122
The connection has timed out 119
connection timeout (cannot display the home
page) 119
LCD 72
tips 111
, 86
Total (amount of data transferred) 57
Total data 80
trademarks 17
transmission rates 26
transmit frequencies 121
transmitter power 81
Trigger Ports 101
cannot connect to the 3G/4G network 120
cannot connect to Wi-Fi 118
cannot display the home page 119
general tips 116
TRU-Install 43
TTY 122
Turn Off Backlight 72
turning the device off 48
turning the device on 33
TVs 112
Tx (transmit) frequencies 121
Tx Power 81
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 93, 94
Update 3G PRL 81
Update 3G profile 81
Update Failed 118
Update firmware from file 66
3G Network Update Available (alert) 49
automatically check 64
cannot check for 120
firmware, upgrade from a file 65
manually check 65
overview 64
PRL 49
, 81
Software Update Available (alert) 50
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) 94
usage guidelines for your device 27
charging the device 31
, 32
connecting the device to your computer
through USB 43
location 29
power settings 56
requirements 43
Wi-Fi, disabling when connected through
USB 91
user ID, 3G network 92
Username and Password Security 61
Verbose System Event Logging 107
vertical row of icons and text 52
vibration specification 123
video conferencing 100
virtual device 47
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 100
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 100
accessing corporate network through 111
passthrough types supported 122
wait time
failover 81