Clear Spot 4G+ User Guide
132 2131352
subnet mask 94
RSSI (signal strength)
improving 112
insufficient 116
viewing 53
RTS Threshold 83
Rx (receive) frequencies 121
Safari browser 28
Safari can’t open the page 119
SD Card error (alert) 49
SD Card Information and Settings window 57
Searching for Network 118
MAC filtering 83
network access, configuring 88
SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) 94
tips 114
Wi-Fi 86
Security panel of the Wi-Fi tab 83
Sent (amount of data transferred) 57
server, accessing 98
service icon 53
Service Programming Code (SPC) 93
service type
3G 92
session duration 57
, 80
Session total data 80
Set Guest Password (for microSD card access) 61
Set Guest Username (for microSD card access)
Set up my device 38
setting up the device 37
exporting 105
importing 105
Setup panel of the WAN tab 80
shared folder name, microSD card 61
sharing your Internet connection 51
short text messaging (SMS) 122
Shorter Wi-Fi range 56
, 71, 82
SID (System ID) 92
Sierra Wireless
knowledge base 116
Signal Quality window 53
signal strength
improving 112
insufficient 116
viewing 53
size of device 123
SMS 122
resetting to default settings 103
specifications 122
updates 64
Software Update Available (alert) 50
, 58
Software Version 67
, 78
enabling/disabling all (Mute switch) 36
enabling/disabling individually 73
Sounds panel of the Device tab 77
Sounds window 58
Source IP Address 102
SPC (Service Programming Code) 93
electrical 121
environmental 123
mechanical 123
radio frequency (RF) 121
software 122
speeds, download 26
SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) 94
ssh support 111
SSID (Wi-Fi network name)
broadcast 82
changing 84
description 84
Host Name, link to 85
SSID Broadcast 82
Standby Timer 56
Standby Timer on Battery or USB 77
Start (port, for port forwarding) 99
start day of the billing cycle, changing 57
Starts on day 57
startup failure, device (audio alert) 73
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) 94
Static IP Assignment List, DHCP 97
storage guidelines 27
storage temperature 123
subnet mask 94
Support button 59
support, contacting 109
Switchback wait time 81
System alerts 58
, 73, 78
system events log