12.5Inlet pressure gauge.
The Inlet pressure gauge before the Inlet solenoid
valve will be indicating the feed water pressure
reading of the inlet water supply after the built-in pre-
filter. This pressure reading should be greater than 35
12.6 Start-up
Turn on WM by putting toggle switch into the “ON”
position. The inlet solenoid will open and the RO
pump will start running. Water will start flowing to
the drain. Allow water to run to the drain for 5
minutes. If there is low water flow to the unit at this
time the unit may osculate off and on at this point in
start-up. Turn off the power and go to section 14.
12.7 After 5 minutes slowly start turning the drain
needle valve clockwise. Watching the feed pressure
gauge on the outlet of the RO pump. Turn the drain
needle valve until the feed pressure gauge reads 150
psi. NOTE the back pressure gauge on the Drain
Assembly will read less than 150 psi. Allow unit to
run for 5 minutes.
12.8 Calculating production of RO water
Using a measuring device that is marked in ounces.
Measure the amount of RO water produced in 15
Multiply amount of ounces by 4 = ounces per minute
Multiply ounces per minute by 1440 = ounces per day
Divide ounces per day by 128 = gallons per day.
Repeat same steps for computing concentrate water
flowing to the drain.
Log information into log sheet.
12.8 Setting recovery rate
Very carefully open the 50% recovery needle valve by
turning counter clock-wise and at the same time very
carefully turn the drain needle valve clockwise
keeping the feed pressure into the membrane at 150
psi. See drawing below Do this until the water flow to
the drain and the RO flows are equal in volume and
Repeat steps 12.8 to make sure the flow rate are
equal for both permeate and concentrate.
NOTE: At no time should the Drain Needle Valve
ever be completely closed. RO system must have
some water running to the drain during production of
RO water.
12.9 Shut off the WM by placing the toggle switch
into the off position. Reconnect the permeate ¼” OD
blue tubing to the pressurized storage. Open all valves
down steam of RO on all post treatment.
12.10 Purging air out of system down stream
At the furthest point down stream of RO unit
including all Post-treatment open a valve or break
open RO water line. Turn on WM by placing toggle
switch into the on position. Allow unit to operate,
until water start to flowing. Close the valve or
reconnect water line. Allow unit to start filling up the
pressurized storage tank. The pressure gauge next to
the TSO will indicate the pressure as it builds up in the
storage tanks. The unit should shut down wants the
pressure in the tank reaches 60-psi.
13.0 Tank pressure switch adjustment.
The tank pressure switch has been pre-set at the
factory for a 40-60 setting. Due to shipping, the
pressure setting may need to be re-adjusted. Remove
the Grey plastic cover off of the pressure switch.
There will be (2) 3/8 nuts. The center adjustment nut
will increase or decrease the off and on set points
without change the pressure differential between the
two settings. The 3/8-adjustment nut that is offset will
change the pressure differential between OFF and ON
mode of the pressure switch.
Drain Control Needle Valve
turn to set drain flow
feed pressure into
Needle Valve
turn to increase recovery
increase both Shut-
Turn On pressure setting
Turn nut counter clockwise
to lower both shut -
and turn on pressure settings
Back Pressure Gauge 0-
Drain Control Needle Valve
turn to set drain flow feed
pressure into membrane