Chapter 2 - Managing a Single Device/Cell Multiple Configuration SU-L Page
AlvariCRAFT Device Manager 194 User Manual
Threshold: This mode allows users to define a custom behavior for each of the
8 SNR LEDs, based on the RSSI, SNR, CRC ratio or average modulation. When
in Threshold mode, the following options are available for each LED:
If all the thresholds that were set up are reached, the entire SNR bar will light up.
For instance, if LEDs 2, 5 and 6 have thresholds set for them (the rest of the SNR
LEDs are disabled) and all these thresholds are reached, instead of having only
LEDs 2, 5 and 6 light up, all the SNR LEDs will light up.
Type Defines the parameter that is monitored and that the threshold is set
Disabled: There is no threshold defined for the LED. The LED is
always off, unless all threshold conditions that were defined for
the remaining LEDs are met.
RSSI: Sets up a threshold for the Received Signal Strength
CRC: Sets up a threshold for the Cyclical Redundancy Check
SNR: Sets up a threshold for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
Modulation: Sets up a threshold for the average modulation.
Mode Defines how the Type parameter (above) relates to the Target value
(below). The available operators are:
Equal or lower: The threshold parameter must be lower than
or equal to the threshold target value for the LED to light up.
Equal or higher: The threshold parameter must be higher
than or equal to the threshold target value for the LED to light up.
Equal: The threshold parameter must be equal to the threshold
target value for the LED to light up.
Target This option defines the threshold target value. Depending on the
threshold type, the following value ranges apply:
RSSI: -108...0
CRC: 0...100
SNR: 0...80
Modulation: 1...8