6.4 Getting Service Under the Federal
Emission Performance Warranties
A. What to Do
If your vehicle has failed an emissions test de-
scribed in 5.2:
• Take it to an authorized Chrysler, Dodge,
Jeep or Ram dealer as soon as possible.
• Give the service representative the printout
showing that your vehicle failed the test.
• If possible, bring all service receipts, mainte-
nance logs, and records proving that your
vehicle has been properly maintained, since
you may be required to show them.
B. Further Steps You Can Take, and How to
Get More Information
If you think your dealer has wrongly denied you
emission-warranty coverage, follow the steps
described in 7.1. Chrysler will reply to you in
writing within 30 days after receiving your com-
plaint (or within the time limit required by local
or state law). If the owner is not notified within
30 days that a performance warranty claim is
denied, the manufacturer must repair the vehicle
free of charge.