Contact 502A
5. LOCK and UNLOCK: If you wish to lock the controls on
the front panel to avoid accidental adjustments, set the
“LOCK/UNLOCK” switch (17) to the “LOCK” position. All
the buttons will be disabled except the “POWER” button.
To enable the front panel controls slide the switch to the
“UNLOCK” position.
6. SQUELCH: There are two adjustable SQUELCH controls
on the rear panel of the receiver. The SQUELCH value
of the A and B channel should be adjusted to improve
sound quality, and can be used to minimise unwanted
hiss or distrortion.
1. In order to achieve the best results, the receiver should
Have a minimum 1 metre clearance on all sides from
the oor or walls. The distance between the transmitter
and antenna should be over 1 metre, as in Fig. 4. The
receiver should be kept away from sources of possible
2. The receiver can be mounted in a EIA standard 19 inch
(482.6mm) rack. Use the supplied rack ears as per Fig. 5.