Contacts folder displays all items whose first or last name begins with the entered text.
Private and public contacts
In Wave, contacts can be private or public:
Private contacts are your own personal contacts. These contacts appear only in the Contacts
folder of your ViewPoint on your computer. Other users cannot see your contacts unless you
explicitly share your Contacts folder with them.
Public contacts are available to all users in your office. When public contacts call your office,
Wave identifies them no matter which extension or user they are calling. Public contacts
contained in the Public\Contacts folder and can also be accessed via the Phonebook pane's
Contacts tab, and by choosing Actions > Place Call. To enter or edit a public contact, you must
have public contact editing permissions. If you do not have those permissions, you can view and
place a call to public contacts, but you cannot edit them.
Entering a new contact
Entering a new contact involves the following tasks, which are explained in detail in the three
procedures that follow:
Entering a contact's name and basic information. Other basic information includes the
contact’s company, any account code, and the language used for prompts for this contact. You
can also enter up to 5,000 characters in the Notes Pane of the Contact dialog.
Entering a contact's phone numbers and addresses. When you enter a contact’s phone
numbers, you can specify the number used for Caller ID and the number that is the default
number to dial when you call the contact. You can also specify a contact's e-mail and instant
messaging addresses for reference.
Recording a voice title for a contact. Like your own voice title, a contact’s voice title is a short
recording that you create of the contact's name.
Note: You have a limited amount of space for all voice files, including voice titles. Therefore, if you have
many contacts, you can save space by recording voice titles for the most important ones only. Ask your
Wave system administrator how much space you have been allocated and how much you have used.
Entering a contact's name and basic information
1. Choose File > New > Contact. The Contact dialog opens
to the General tab.
2. If you have permission to create public contacts, select
which folder to create the contact in, using the Create
new contact in folder drop-down list. If you have
permission to create public contacts, you can make
this contact a public contact by choosing Contacts
(Public). Public contacts can be seen and used by all
Wave users. All other selections create a private