Wave database schema A-13
Appendix A: Creating Custom Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
PersonalStatus table
Each personal status for each user has a record in this table.
Queue table
Each queue defined in the system has a record in this table.
Name Description
ID Unique ID to identify the record.
OwnerID Refer to user's PhoneBookEntry record.
The internal name that will be translated into localized names
when used.
0 = User's custom personal status.
1 = System created personal status.
Name Description
ID Same number used in PhoneBookEntry table.
0 = Top Down
1 = Round Robin
2 = Longest Idle Agent
3 = Fewest Call
4 = Least Talk Time
5 = Simultaneous
6 = Skill-based Custom Routing
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1