This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and
reproductive toxicity.
If you have a long vacation planned, empty the Refrigerator and turn it off.
• Wipeexcessmoisturefromtheinsideandleavethedoorsopentokeepodorandmoldfromdeveloping.
If the Refrigerator will not be used for a long period of time (for example, over several
months), unplug the power from the wall.
• Overtime,deteriorationinthepowercordinsulationmaycausere.
Unplug the Refrigerator before changing the interior light.
• ChangingthelightwhiletheRefrigeratorispluggedinmaycauseelectricshock.
• IftheproductsequippedwithLEDLamp,donotdisassembleLampCoverandLEDLampbyyourself.
- Please contact your service agents.
Do not put bottles or glass containers in the Freezer drawer.
• Whenthecontentsfreezeandthenexpand,theglassmaybreakandcausepersonalinjuryorleave
dangerous glass shards in the Freezer.
Do not overfill the Refrigerator with food and drinks.
• InanoverfullRefrigerator,heavy,fragile,bulkyorbreakableitemsmayfalloutandcausepersonalinjury
and/or damage to surrounding objects.
Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on shelves and handles of the Refrigerator. They
could damage the Refrigerator and seriously injure themselves. Do not sit on the freezer door.
The door may break.Do not allow children to climb into the freezer basket.
If you notice a chemical or burning plastic smell or see smoke, unplug the Refrigerator
immediately and contact your Samsung Electronics Service Center.
After your Refrigerator is in operation, do not touch the cold surfaces in the Freezer
compartment. Particularly when hands are damp or wet, skin may adhere to these extremely
cold surfaces.
• Skinmaysticktothesurfaceandyoumaygetfrostbite.
Do not touch the rails of freezer drawer. (RB217, RB197)
• Whenthedrawerismoving,angercanbecaughtbytherailandgetinjured.
If the Refrigerator is disconnected from the power supply, you should wait for at least five
minutes before plugging it back in.
Safety Information
Unplug the Refrigerator when it is checked for problem.
Safety Information _7