Do not put a container filled with water without cap on the Refrigerator.
• Ifitspills,itmaycausereorelectricshock.
Do not store articles on the top of the appliance.
• Whenyouopenorclosethedoor,thearticlesmayfallandcausepersonalinjuryand/ordamageto
surrounding objects.
Do not store pharmaceutical products, scientific materials and temperature-sensitive
products in the refrigerator.
• ProductsthatrequireexacttemperaturecontrolsshouldnotbestoredintheRefrigerator.
Do not put your hands or legs/foot under the appliance.
• Anysharpedgesmaycausepersonalinjury.
Do not use any electric appliance inside the refrigerator.
• Incaseofrefrigerantleak,itmaycauseareandexplosion.
Do not touch the Refrigerator or power plug, and air the room with opening window if any
flammable gas (propane gas, city gas, etc.) leaks.
• Anexplosionmayoccurduetoaelectricalcontactsparkandcausereorinjury.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• Keepngersoutof“pinchpoint”areas:clearancesbetweenthedoorsandcabinetarenecessarilysmall.
Be careful when you open the doors when children are in the area.
Safety Information
Do not disassemble or repair the Refrigerator by yourself.
• Youmayruntheriskofre,appliancemalfunctionsand/orpersonalinjury.Callyournearestservicecenter
for help from a qualified service technician.
Unplug the Refrigerator and stop the operation if there is any problem or failure.
Do not store volatile or flammable substances in the Refrigerator.
• Storingbenzene,thinner,alcohol,ether,LPgasandothersuchproductsmaycauseexplosions.
Do not use aerosols near the Refrigerator.
For Usage of Refrigerator
Do not spray water directly into or on the outside of the Refrigerator/Freezer drawer.
Do not apply strong shock or excessive force onto the surface of glass.
• Brokenglassmayresultinapersonalinjuryand/orpropertydamage.
6_ Safety Information