NB9/NB9W ADSL2+ VoIP Router 53
YML790 Rev8
Advanced > Security > IP Filtering
IP filtering allows you to deny or permit any packet from passing through the modem explicitly. You can set
either incoming filtering or outgoing filtering. Outgoing means the data is transferred from your computer onto
the internet while Incoming means the data is transferred from outside onto your computer.
Notes: By default, all outgoing traffic is allowed and all incoming traffic is blocked. However they can be
change accordingly by setting up filters.
To set up outgoing filtering, click on Outgoing menu on the left and click the Add button.
To set up incoming filtering, click on Incoming menu on the left and click the Add button.
The screen for Incoming and outgoing filter is basically the same. You need to specify a name, protocol,
source and destination IP address and their respective ports.
Field Name Comment
Filter Name
Enter name for this filter/rule
Choose UDP/TCP or both
Source IP address
Source Subnet Mask
Source Port
Either port or port range
Destination IP address
Destination Subnet Mask
Destination Port
Either port or port range