50 NB9/NB9W ADSL2+ VoIP Router
YML790 Rev8
If you are setting up a common server (e.g FTP) you can select the type of server from the dropdown list.
Selecting the server will automatically configure the necessary ports. For custom service, you need to enter the
External Port Start and External Port End for the service.
Enter the Server’s IP address (e.g.
Click ‘Save / Apply’
Let’s take a detail look at the fields on this page.
Field Means
Select a Service
Select a type of service you wish to host on your LAN.
Custom Server
Input the name for the custom server.
Server IP address
The IP address of the server on your LAN. You will notice that the first 3 octets of the
address are automatically input. (e.g. 192.168.1)56 NB9/NB9W ADSL2+ VoIP Router
External Port Start
The external port on the WAN side of your NB9/NB9W that clients try to connect to. (e.g.
port 80 on the WAN side for clients trying to connect to a web server).
External Port End
The external port end on the WAN side of your NB9/NB9W that clients try to connect to. (e.g.
if you are running a service that requires a range of ports to be open you would enter the
last port in the range here).
Select the protocol from the dropdown list. (E.g. if you were hosting a video service you
would select UDP).
Internal Port Start
The internal port refers to the port on the server that clients try to connect to. (e.g. port 80
on the WAN side for clients trying to connect to a web server).
Internal Port End
The internal port end on the server that clients try to connect to. (e.g. if you are running a service
that requires a range of ports to be open you would enter the last port in the range here).
Save / Apply Save and Apply the settings.